With the holiday season just around the corner, consider giving your staff the gift of education with a Canscott training program. We are booking well into 2023, so don't wait too long and miss out on preferred dates and/or instructor.
#supervisoryskills #leadershiptraining
Building trust-based communication with employees is of paramount importance for supervisors. Workplaces are becoming more and more diverse every day and supervisors must be aware that not everyone wants to be communicated with in the same manner. Supervisors need to be comfortable and confident when communicating with all members of their team.
Organizations everywhere are adopting coaching cultures and actively support positive reinforcement/ feedback systems. This may include having supervisors formally recognize team members’ achievements, sometimes in front of the team. However, not everyone may appreciate public recognition.
Accordingly, we suggest supervisors conduct preference discussions with employees, during on-boarding for new employees and additionally with their current team members. During these discussions, supervisors can introduce the reasons “why” they are having the discussion:
The intent of preference discussions is simply to provide a forum for supervisors and employees to improve mutual understanding. This will lead to better communication between employees and supervisors and hence improved productivity, safety, and job satisfaction.
For more information, please contact us. We are your partners in training and would love to work with you to improve the performance of your supervisors and managers.
We have been instructing this program since the early fall of 2021. Here are a few examples of the feedback we have received:
Clients have been piggy backing on one of our other programs to include this training in the same week they are hosting one of our training modules. On its own, or like as mentioned, this program is a fantastic way to create a standard, consistent approach to incident investigation in your workplace.
#incidentinvestigations #supervisoryskills #rootcauseanalysis
In the current labour market, improving employee experience is key to attracting and retaining high-performance employees. Therefore, employee experience must be front and centre in the minds of managers. The ‘great resignation’ as it is called, has resulted in employers suddenly realizing the importance of meeting employee needs and ensuring that they provide an inclusive and engaging work environment. However, this keen focus on employee needs and wants may lead to a tendency to avoid conflict situations and not deal appropriately with employees who are not performing to expectations. A conflict averse approach by management may create negative experiences for supervisors and managers as they try to address employee performance issues. Addressing performance issues through coaching, positive reinforcement and at times discipline, is not an easy task for supervisors. Therefore, it is vital for front line leaders to be supported by senior management in their efforts to address performance issues.
Not all employees are as engaged and dedicated as we would like them to be. At times, supervisors and managers need to deal with substandard performance and this is not an easy task. It is challenging and stressful. Therefore, if we want our high performing employees to desire to move up to supervisory positions, we need to ensure that we support our existing supervisors and managers. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fill leadership positions from within the organization.
At Canscott, we specialize in training supervisors and managers in all aspects of leadership, including addressing employee performance issues. We have been helping organizations train their leaders for over 35 years, across Canada and the United States.
Contact us to find out how we can help you build high performance teams.
#supervisoryskills #managementsupport #employeerelations
Of course, there are many providers who offer this type of training. Then why CANSCOTT? Our consultants come from industry and have both supervisory and managerial experience. We understand the frustration of receiving an RCA that states: “fire caused by sparks”, or “injury caused by complacency”. We know “what good looks like” and we will ensure participants understand the importance of:
*a proper, thorough investigation following established procedures
*using an incident investigation kit
*collecting hard data including the “how to”
*getting witness statements while avoiding potential collusion
*interview prep and interviews using the funnel technique
*reviewing data and documenting all contributing factors and establishing causal factors
*causation review and getting to root cause(s) using the 5 Why’s analysis and other tools
*report writing with proper sequence of events and electronic submission of documentation if required by Client
* recommending actions to prevent the reoccurrence
As usual you can expect our delivery style to include relevant case studies and real-life industry examples to reinforce the lecture and more importantly the learning.
A close cousin to our hallmark Industrial Supervisor series, this new training program is designed with the regional district or municipal supervisor in mind. With tailormade content specific to the public sector, and available both in-person or virtually, this 3-module program is a must have for all regional districts and municipalities.
Table of Contents – Module 1 of the Complete & Industrial Supervisor – virtual-CANSCOTT©:
Table of Contents – Module 3 of the Complete & Industrial Supervisor – virtual-CANSCOTT©:
Another round of our hallmark Complete & Industrial Supervisor series delivered virtually and to the public. Why CANSCOTT? Our training programs include a blend of human and hard skill training to create a foundation of practical knowledge for front-line leaders. Ensure your supervisors understand their rights, roles and responsibilities as an Agent of the Employer.
At $2400/min cost, you know where the fingers will be pointed.
Picture this. You are a night-shift production supervisor and after a few tough months, the plant is finally producing consistently. All of a sudden, a main piece of equipment goes down; allegedly for mechanical issues. If this is not frustrating enough, you feel you have it under control when you soon realize that the Plant Manager is talking on the phone with the maintenance crew members. You think: “I just updated my superintendent and I need my crew safely fixing the equipment”. Instead, your perception is the PM does not trust your judgement and abilities and reverts back to micromanaging. And at $2400/min cost for being down, you know where the fingers will be pointed. Sound familiar? If so, you are not alone.
We recommend a standard work procedure for all upset conditions. Why? Because during these upsets is when your management systems need to be most effective. An SWP that not only gets everyone on the same page, it ensures everyone is competent on their rights, roles and responsibilities. Imagine, in the above scenario where the supervisor takes control and: (1) communicates the expectation to the group: “doing this job safely, with proper hazard control, please troubleshoot the problem and “John Doe” please give me an initial assessment within 15-mins”. (2) the Supervisor communicates up the initial assessment to the Superintendent, (3) the Superintendent communicates up to the PM and so on. The PM has the info they need, chain of command is followed, the team is supported, and the work gets safely done ASAP. Excellence is a habit and an SWP is habit forming.
For all your training needs, contact your trusted go-to provider of all thing’s Supervisor......
Module 2 - The Industrial Supervisor March 11 to 12, 2021
Module 3 - The Industrial Supervisor April 19 to 20, 2021
More recently, we have been hearing from supervisors and managers that the pandemic along with the trend of emphasizing employee rights, has resulted in management rights being 'lost in translation'. In one case, it was stated that: "I am not even sure if we have much for rights anymore". Although management does have rights, this is a concerning statement for sure.
In reality, during these challenging disruptive times, strong leadership is even more important. Management allows reserves the right to manage and sometimes we need to reinforce this with those key people responsible for completion of work. Do your supervisors understand the work now, grieve/complain later principle applies in all situations when directing except when a worker has reasonable cause to believe the direction is either unsafe or illegal?
Do your supervisors need a refresher? Are you reopening and have new front-line personnel? No problem. Contact CANSCOTT for all your supervisor training needs.
In our virtual Module 3 program we place an emphasis on performance management with a key learning being the “Pygmalion Effect”. Known as the self-fulfilling prophecy, the Pygmalion Effect tells us that if we have high expectations of employees, they in turn will live up to those expectations leading to high levels of performance. We will be reviewing and debriefing the film: the Pygmalion Effect: Managing the Power of Expectations. A quote from psychologist Rensis Likert: “If a high level of performance is to be achieved, it appears to be necessary for a supervisor to have high performance goals and a contagious enthusiasm about the importance of these goals”. For executives who are concerned with the productivity of their organizations and the careers of their employees, the challenge is clear: to speed up the development of managers who will treat their workers in ways that lead to high performance and improved self-images.
Join us for our next round of the Industrial Supervisor – M3 on February 22 – 23, 2021; a virtual-CANSCOTT© production.
At CANSCOTT, we believe respectful workplace disagreements are healthy to ensure effective group decision making. But disrespectful, abusive behaviour is unacceptable. Do your employees know it is a condition of employment to be respectful towards others and to work as and where assigned? Do your supervisors understand their role in leading a respectful workplace? To: * lead a respectful workplace, *not tolerate abusive behaviour, *coach employees to solve their own problems whenever possible, *learn and use a simple conflict resolution process when team members are unable to solve their differences.
At CANSCOTT, we believe the Supervisor above all, has the greatest level of impact positive or negative on the achievement of the business plan and the organizations goals. To ensure your folks understand their rights, roles, and responsibilities as an Agent of the Employer, have them join us for a new virtual series of the Industrial Supervisor program Module 1.
The pandemic has necessitated us to rethink our M3 program because traditionally our M3 does not work well for virtual delivery. This new program will be used for M3 virtual-CANSCOTT© and will become an advanced-class M4 offering when in-person training fully resumes. With approx. 1/3 of this program focusing on performance management, participants will understand: *What is Performance Management? *Coaching, 2-Minute Coaching Challenge, *Giving and Receiving Feedback, *Progressive Discipline When Required, *Productivity & the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy – “The Pygmalion Effect”, *Rosenthal’s “Four Factor Theory”, *Accountability Meetings, *What Drives Organizational Performance (i.e., nine key drivers), *Videos, case studies and group work to fully understand how to positively influence high performance on your team.
Are you relatively new to a site and observe a floundering grievance process? Have you been tasked with improving LR and could a training program help? If "yes", then this program is for you! A labour relations professional (with third party expierence) will provide some leading-edge tips and info on how to effectively use and manage your grievance procedure to your advantage. Current case law coupled with extensive real-life examples makes this course a must for HR/LR practitioners.
In the past 5-years, workplace human rights issues have evolved faster than ever before. For e.g., at what point do employer's have to accommodate childcare needs? What about medical cannabis? Does a well written drug & alcohol policy matter? Are zero tolerance policies enforceable? All these questions and more will be answered during this highly informative managerial-level program.
Due to pandemic in-person restrictions, we have largely migrated over to a virtual platform? Yes that is correct. Of course, as soon as regional restrictions are lifted, we will be resuming in-person training. To date, we have effectively delivered the following virtual programs: Industrial / Complete Supervisor Module 1 & 2, The Duty to Accommodate: Manager's Program, Employee Relations - Grievance Arbitration Preparation and Effective Employee Relations to Clients across Canada.
Getting behind in your training? Can't wait any longer? No problem. We can serve you via virtual-CANSCOTT©
Covid concerns? Not quite ready to host in-person training. No problem. All programs including our coveted Industrial Supervisor series are available virtually. Contact CANSCOTT to book a private virtual session.
Our consultants are continuing to conduct in-person training. Precautions include: larger facilities for social distancing, point-of-entry hand sanitizer, personal lunches and mask use when not stationary. Rest assured, a CANSCOTT program will be safe and effective.
Behind in your training? New supervisors on staff? No problem. Contact CANSCOTT for all your in-person training needs.
These new stand-alone Regulations will apply to all federal work places covered under Part II of the Canada Labour Code (“Code), and will streamline and consolidate harassment and violence provisions under the Code? These new regulations impose significant requirements on the parties, of which CANSCOTT’s professional consultants can assist you every step of the way. Here are a few highlights:
To arrange training or consultant assistance please email (balvir.bains@canscott.com) or call (604) 533-8222.
Most provincial and territorial jurisdictions in Canada have harassment, bullying and/or violence in the workplace legislation? In B.C., the WCB Act requires employers to:
• Draft a workplace policy statement
• Prevent or minimize bullying and harassment
• Develop reporting procedures
• Develop procedures for dealing with / investigating incidents or complaints
• Train workers and supervisors
How about we take the training off your plate and you fulfill your legal requirement?
For more info please visit: https://canscott.com/training/bullying-violence-prevention-in-the-workplace/ Book your attendance by email (balvir.bains@canscott.com) or by calling (604) 533-8222.
Canadian employers have a legal obligation to accommodate employees to the point of undue hardship. What is accommodation? What is undue hardship? These questions and more will be answered during this very interactive program.
The program explores some of the more contemporary accommodation issues such as: mental illness, duty to inquire, Covid-19, gender transition, medical cannabis / zero tolerance policies and a whole lot more.
Accommodation is an important human rights issue that requires a delicate balance of empathy, trust, credibility, and perseverance. As usual, we approach this topic from the perspective of the employer and provide participants with practical solutions to issues facing the modern manager.
When: Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 8am to 12pm (4-hour duration)
Where: virtual-CANSCOTT© - a link will be emailed to you
Who Should Attend: Operations Managers, Corporate Managers, Human Resources, Disability / Ability Management Coordinators
Price: $400/person + GST. We accept email electronic funds transfer (EFT). Payment must be received by Oct. 8th to ensure participants receive course material.
Pre-work: There is 15-mins of pre-work required.
Prerequisites: This is not an introductory course; rather, this is a managerial-level program. Participants must already have working knowledge of: human rights, prohibited grounds, and the duty to accommodate.
For more information or to book your attendance, call (604) 533-8222 or right here on canscott.com
We are extremely excited about virtual-CANSCOTT© our new virtual training & coaching service. Some of our training programs will be offered virtually and to the public; that’s right public programs!
Although fairly self-explanatory, a public program is one that is offered to the general public. This type of delivery aligns us with what some of our Clients have been asking for.
Payment options include direct billing (i.e. pre-authorization required) or email Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
In the near future, we will be advertising our brand new (i.e. and first virtual public program) called: “The Duty to Accommodate: Manager’s Program”, a 4-hour session. Stay tuned!
For more information visit right here at: https://canscott.com or call 604-533-8222
The BC Human Rights Commission has posted a guide addressing Covid-19. This document can be found here: https://bchumanrights.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/BC-OHRC_COVID19_Policy-V5.pdf. While this guide admittedly is not in place of legal advice, it is instructive of the Commission’s perspective. In this document, the BC Human Rights Commissioner is quoted as follows:
“In this time of rapidly changing circumstances, neither the Human Rights Tribunal nor the courts have had time to weigh in on whether COVID-19 amounts to a disability. However, in my view as BC’s Human Rights Commissioner, it does”.
At CANSCOTT, we will be following this story closely as this topic unfolds and incorporating it into our Human Rights & Duty to Accommodate training. For more info visit us right here at canscott.com.
Recognizing that an overused autocratic Management style dampens employee commitment, more and more Employers are realizing the importance of employee buy-in /engagement. Coaching is a problem-solving tool that both addresses the problem and increases commitment to the team.
The attached video articulates how the Supervisor recognizes a team member is not being accountable and uses coaching to resolve the problem.
A dual energy technique (i.e. it requires participation from both parties) coaching involves basic emotional intelligence. E.g. Instead of Supervisor telling an employee what to do called ‘directing’, coaching involves soliciting a solution to the problem from the employee all the while recognizing that many people can get defensive when receiving feedback on their performance. If the goal is communicated effectively the results are real buy-in from the employee to change behaviour.
At CANSCOTT we teach the 2-Minute Challenge, a simple & practical coaching tool; it does not require a P.H.D. to figure out! For all your coaching & training needs visit us right here at canscott.com.
Thinking about adjusting your employees schedule? Fully thought through the potential fall-out? What appears to be a simple decision might not be. Here are some things to consider:
Does your employee have; a family, a family member with a disability?
Will this shift change create a serious interference with a substantial parental obligation?
Are there other extenuating circumstances that require consideration?
Family status is a prohibited ground in employment so this has human rights implications. Need help, contact one of our Consultants. Also, we teach human rights including these more contemporary topics. Visit us right here at canscott.com.
As part of these new regulations, federal employers are required to complete mandatory harassment & violence prevention training for all employees. Need help? Visit us at canscott.com.
At CANSCOTT we have Consultants available to assist our Clients in navigating potentially challenging accommodation issues. And, as always, we approach these issues from the perspective of the Employer. Need help? Visit us right here at canscott.com.
In today’s modern workplace the word ‘discipline’ typically carries a very negative connotation. It is not out of the ordinary for Employer’s to “turn a blind eye” or give an employee ‘just a talking to” when faced with safety violations. Unfortunately, these Employers fail to recognize they have legal obligations to ensure a safe workplace including that all safety rules be followed. Discipline and progressive discipline are important Management tools that must be used in order to enforce the Employer’s obligations under federal and provincial/state OH&S law. Even if all of the other elements of a due diligence defence can be demonstrated in court (i.e. formal risk assessments, documented safety meetings, documented training program etc.), lack of ongoing enforcement of the system is treated as a lack of complete due diligence and the defence will fail on this ground. See attached article for more information.
At CANSCOTT we understand how important due diligence is. Also, we understand how important it is for our Clients to have Supervisors/Superintendents/Managers who clearly understand their rights, roles and responsibilities under OH&S / Environmental law.
Check out our ‘Safety Program’ or the ‘Industrial Supervisor’ program for training that carefully covers the topics of ‘Due Diligence’ & ‘Discipline / Progressive Discipline’ on canscott.com.
We are excited to introduce our new virtual training & coaching studio called virtual-CANSCOTT©. This allows us to deliver our services virtually using cutting-edge software & hardware.
Q: How does virtual-CANSCOTT© work? Different than (e.g. a typical work Zoom meeting) where folks logon via their work/personal PC, participants will gather in smaller groups (i.e. to allow for proper social distancing) in a boardroom-style setting and attend the all-day session by watching/listening/interacting directly with the instructor.
Q: Is on-line E-Learning the same as virtual? NO. E-Learning uses a mix of text audio/video (i.e. think of an individual ‘clicking’ through on-line PowerPoint slides) whereby virtual-CANSCOTT© is real time instructor-led training in a virtual classroom; exactly the same as in-person training just done virtually.
For more info or to book your next program, visit us right here at canscott.com or call us at 1-604-533-8222.
We want to give you an update on face coverings and some of the recent work we have been doing. We recognize there is some anxiety surrounding the risk associated with hosting in-person training sessions. Arguably no one is more aware of these issues than our team at CANSCOTT. We understand how important it is that any Client work we do is done to the highest safety standard.
Over the past few weeks, we have successfully conducted in-person training sessions while working with our Clients to ensure effective hazard controls were in place. For e.g. we just completed a 2-day in-person training program where the Instructor and all Participants dawned a face covering throughout the entire session and he enforced the use of hand sanitizer after every re-entry to the room and used hand sanitizer prior to any handouts…something that makes sense given the uniqueness of CANSCOTT programs. A Participant was responsible for sanitizing the room including table and chair arms at the end of each day and social distancing was maintained throughout. This session was a complete success and the participants found these strict standards easy to comply with.
We have been doing debriefs of all training sessions since our restart a few weeks ago. It has become apparent to us that we need to strongly consider the idea of regularly using face-coverings during our sessions. We encourage our Clients to consider face coverings for all Participants and Instructor as it makes sense not just from a safety perspective but also to reassure all stakeholders that our sessions will be done without incident.
We trust that not only will you understand this approach but that it will appeal to you given the heightened awareness of Covid-19 issues. We look forward to working with you in the near future.
Kind Regards,
First of all, we hope everyone is fairing well as economies and jurisdictions move to re-opening following the Corona Virus pandemic. We want to update our Clients with respect to the ‘new normal’ for CANSCOTT training going forward.
Covid-19 risk assessments have been completed for our head office location and generically for training facilities and we will follow all guidelines prescribed by WorkSafe BC. These protocols will depend on the training location chosen by ‘you’ the Client. Therefore, we have created a Client Covid-19 Training Facility Guidelines that Bal, our Operations Manager, will review with you prior to any training we provide. For example, as a result of the ‘new normal’, Clients may not be able to simply put out a buffet-style lunch for participants to self-serve. New protocols require a much stricter procedure for food handling to minimize the risk of spread of Covid-19 due to contaminated surfaces or droplets from a person. Also, we will need to maintain guidelines around social distancing which may create challenges for room size and tables as just another example. We ask that you kindly communicate back to Bal that the training room chosen will meet these guidelines so she can then inform the Instructor prior to their arrival. We encourage you to communicate the same information to the participants so everyone knows the expectations and what has been done to maintain their safety.
Also, Canscott has implemented several controls to ensure our behaviours are in-line with the ‘new normal’. Our team members will be practicing all safe personal hygiene protocols. For e.g. course materials will be prepared as far in advance as possible and not touched unless hands are clean following the government’s guidelines. We will only be using those shipping companies who can demonstrate the same or better level of standard regarding Covid-19 risk mitigation as our Company. For the foreseeable future, our Instructors will be driving to the training locations (if possible) as opposed to taking commercial airlines. In the classroom, mandatory handouts and case studies will now be prepacked in the participant binder to eliminate the need for the Instructor handing anything out during class and testing will be done to avoid contact with the Instructor including eliminating hand-shakes. Participants will not be sharing any materials/pens etc. and will place pens/highlighters in their binders and take all material home every night to allow for the proper daily sanitization of tables & arm rests.
Also, last month we sent out survey questions to all Clients regarding the potential for virtual on-line training. We at CANSCOTT will have the ability to deliver our programs virtually which we hope will be something that you strongly consider. For e.g. for the foreseeable future the international border is closed to the U.S.A. so this virtual option may be a good one for these Clients.
These are unprecedented times but as we all know, we do need to get the economy up and running and that includes our training & consulting services. We trust everyone understands the need for these new protocols and we look forward to upcoming training sessions with your teams.
Lastly, we are very much open to your suggestions if you see an opportunity to improve the guidelines etc. Safety excellence is a foundational principle at CANSCOTT so anything we can do better is a step in the right direction.
Kind Regards,
The CANSCOTT team.
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Canscott provides investigation services?
Cases of alleged misconduct can command an inordinate amount of time and effort from local Management. In some cases, a Client may not have the expertise needed to effectively carry out a proper investigation. Or, the Respondent in a complaint may be a Manager and an unbiased third-party investigator may be required.
Whatever the reason our Consultants are ready to lead or assist you with any investigation in a discreet and professional manner.
Why choose Canscott for your investigation needs? Because we are the trusted professionals who specialize in labour and employee relations investigations. We ensure:
Understandably, this is a challenging time for Clients. On behalf of all of us, we hope you are staying safe and managing under these difficult circumstances.
Not surprising, the majority of our business is temporarily curtailed due to the Covid-19 issue. Therefore, we do have very qualified Consultants available for the short-term if you do have any need of assistance.
If you could use some LR / HR consulting assistance our Consultant(s) could work remotely for you on a regular basis; until such time as we get busy again…..at this time it is unclear whether our business ramp up will be before or after the 2020 summer months. **Note, we are always available to provide LR /HR Consulting services on a part-time basis year round.
Please see the attached link to our website for a list of all our LR/ HR consulting services.
We are reaching out during these unprecedented times to give you an update regarding our operations. As you might expect, we have been working with our clients to postpone training that was scheduled for March and April. We will continue to monitor the situation closely to establish if May’s programs also need to be postponed and to establish when we can reschedule the postponed programs.
Along with all Canadians, we at Canscott very much appreciate all the people working tirelessly to keep us safe: our healthcare providers, first responders, volunteers, our government leaders and many more across Canada. As citizens, it is our duty to follow the advice from healthcare experts to do our part in minimizing the spread of the Corona virus.
We want our Clients to be aware that we will work with them in any way possible to continue to deliver our training programs in an efficient manner. That said, we want you to be aware that we can and will be available to provide our services during July and August, if need be. Typically, this is holiday season, but due to the unprecedented situation we recognize the need to make ourselves available to meet our Clients’ needs.
Finally, we do expect an influx of re-bookings and new inquiries come September 2020, so please do not hesitate to re-book as soon as possible to ensure programs can be completed in a timely manner.
Please stay safe and let us all do our part in minimizing the spread of the Corona virus.
Yours sincerely,
The Canscott Team
I am very excited to announce Brian Whitfield BA, MIR of Coquitlam, BC will be joining our team as an Associate Consultant to Canscott effective January 10, 2020.
Brian is an accomplished professional with a successful track record managing and developing internal operations, administration, human resources, finance, information systems, organizational transformation, projects, governance, and strategic planning; and with significant expertise and background in labour relations and employment law. Most recently, Brian has been working as a Managing Director, Labour Relations Professional and Arbitrator.
Brian’s knowledge and experience will prove to be an invaluable asset in our continuing efforts to improve service delivery and strengthen our team.
On behalf of all of us at CANSCOTT, welcome aboard Brian!
Barclay Hoskins BCOMM, CPHR
Business Partner, HR Consultant & Trainer
We encourage you to take a look at our "Revised” two-day course offering called The Safety Program. At CANSCOTT we understand how important it is to have safe operations. Safety is not an add-on, it must be built into everything we do.
As a Manager, have you made any of the following observations about your Operation? (1) We are hurting too many people, (2) The workforce is non-compliant with PPE requirements and safety rules, (3) At-risk behaviours are rampant so we are rehearsing injuries, (4) Supervisors don't understand their safety roles and responsibilities, (5) With the way things are going we are going to have a serious incident/injury/possible fatality. If any or all of the above rings true then The Safety Program is for you. This high-impact program is specifically designed to teach your front-line supervisors their fundamental rights, roles and responsibilities in occupational health & safety "due diligence".
Topics include:
For all course inquires contact Bal Bains, Operations Manager at 604-533-8222 or balvir.bains@canscott.com.
We are very excited to announce Johann Steinmann BA (HONS) Industrial Psychology will be joining our team effective immediately. Johann's knowledge and experience will prove to be an invaluable asset in our continuing efforts to improve service delivery and strengthen our team.
Johann is an experienced Industrial Training Professional, focusing on assisting organizations and managers by creating site-specific operations training for their supervisors in the areas of operations, health & safety, security and environmental responsibilities.
Please see the Consulting Services drop down menu right here on canscott.com for Johann's complete biography.
On behalf of all of us at CANSCOTT, welcome aboard Johann.
Barclay Hoskins, BCOMM, CPHR
On behalf of all us at CANSCOTT, I hope everyone has a memorable summer with family and friends.
I encourage you to take a look at our "NEW” one-day course offering from CANSCOTT called Preparing for Arbitration. At CANSCOTT we understand how important it is to be properly prepared to represent the Company's position in Arbitration and to protect Management Right's. Our Consultants have represented Management in the Arbitration process and "get" that the process is expensive and can be quite unnerving for the inexperienced Supervisor/Manager. Do Supervisors have to learn the hard way? Do they have to learn via the school of hard knocks? Do we really have to expose someone to a difficult cross-examination when they don't even know what cross-examination is? The answers are "NO". This program is designed to effectively prepare a Supervisor or Manager for the Arbitration process. As with other CANSCOTT programs, in this course we back the theory up with hands-on “experience-based” tools and guidance.
With cost effectiveness in mind, CANSCOTT can provide this service during the same week a Client is hosting a module of the Industrial Supervisor or Complete Supervisor program. For all course inquires contact Bal Bains, Operations Manager at 604-533-8222 or balvir.bains@canscott.com.
Kind Regards,
Barclay Hoskins, BCOMM, CPHR
On behalf of all us at CANSCOTT, even though the summer here in British Columbia has been tough due to the wildfires, I hope everyone was still able to enjoy sometime with family and friends.
I encourage you to take a look at our "NEW”“ one-day course offering from CANSCOTT called Time – On Your Side 'The Time Management Program'. At CANSCOTT we understand how important time is; the cliché “time is money” refers to so many aspects of life. The great equalizer is the fact that we all have 24-hours in a day and time moves at a constant rate and its flow cannot be managed. Therefore, the key to being effective, both in one’s professional and personal life is to master how to effectively manage ourselves and our activities. We have developed a new training program called Time – On Your Side designed to give participants practical knowledge and skills to effectively use time. Participants can expect to learn practical skills supported by real-life cases and experiences to help make positive changes in their life. As with other CANSCOTT programs, in this course we back the theory up with hands-on “experience-based” tools and guidance.
With cost effectiveness in mind, CANSCOTT can provide this service during the same week a Client is hosting a module of the Industrial Supervisor or Complete Supervisor program. For example, if a Client held one module of their program on a Monday to Wednesday, they could host Time – On Your Side on the Thursday of the same week thus realizing a significant savings in travel costs.
To view this new program simply 'Click' on the "Training Programs" tab right here on canscott.com
Also, we are pleased to offer individual and team development programs using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) - personal preferences assessment, and Center for Creative Leadership’s 360 assessment tools. Onkar Athwal is certified to use both sets of tools and has extensive experience helping individuals and teams improve their effectiveness.
We are looking forward to a very busy fall 2017 and wish you all the best in the coming months!
Barclay Hoskins, BCOMM, CPHR
Business Partner, HR Consultant & Trainer
CANSCOTT Management Services Ltd.
Phone: (250) 706-3225
Email: barclay.hoskins@canscott.com
Web: canscott.com
Check out all the details of this exciting new overview program. Simply 'Click' on the "Training Programs" tab right here on canscott.com
We are thrilled to announce we are taking on two new partners Barclay Hoskins, BCOMM, CPHR and Onkar Athwal, BA, MBA in order to expand our business now and in the future.
CANSCOTT is the go-to provider for no nonsense labour relations, supervisory and management training. What you have grown to expect from CANSCOTT will not change. Our current Industrial Supervisor training programs will remain an essential part of our core programs and the topics will be updated on a more frequent bases. Our new partnership will only make us better. It will enhance our current business by expanding our course offerings, consulting services and providing new course delivery methods, such as online courses. Also, it will allow us to be more responsive to our clients’ scheduling needs by offering more access to instructors to meet their scheduling needs and with more horsepower onboard we will be able to easily customize programs for our interprovincial and international Clients.
Is there any other news at CANSCOTT! Yes, effective immediately we are rolling out our new comprehensive website. The website is more interactive and offers Clients the ability to access our services and request a quote simply by the click-of-the-mouse. Be sure to visit us now at www.canscott.com.
We are excited about our new partnership and we think that our Clients will be pleased with our growth and the positive changes that we will offer.
Please feel welcome to contact us directly if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, or just to keep in touch.
Garry Rowell
CHRP, Senior Consultant & Trainer
Barclay Hoskins, BCOMM, CHRP. Direct 1-250-706-3225
Onkar Athwal, BA, MBA. Direct: 1-604-786-2771
Garry Rowell, CPHR.