Return to course: X1: Appendix - Module 2
X1: Appendix - Module 2
Handouts & Case Law
Arbitration - Atco Lumber - Ron Kucher Grievance
Grievance Fact Sheet - Confidential
Grievance Handling Booklet
Hicks Morley - Duty of Accommodate Does Not Exceed to Permitting Excessive Employee Absenteeism
Investigative Interview Checklist
Phillip Hodson - Blank Template
Case Law Summaries
True False Exercise
Words and Terms Exercise
Case Studies
An Altercation
Arts Pattern
Documentation Exercise
Does the work now complain or grieve later rule apply
He sure has changed
I am out of here
Important Tour
Suspicious 3
The Information is Personal
Arbitration - Atco Lumber - Ron Kucher Grievance
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