March 10, 2022

1-Day Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis - Feedback

We have been instructing this program since the early fall of 2021. Here are a few examples of the feedback we have received:

  • "We were all over the map with the quality of our investigations. Canscott's system includes customized forms, proper data collection, and an easy-to-follow process that has created a standard at our site. Finally"!
  • "The scorecard allows our senior management team to give regular feedback to our supervisors on areas to improve. Extremely helpful."
  • "We expect Canscott to relate the training to real workplace situations. They do not disappoint with this program".

Clients have been piggy backing on one of our other programs to include this training in the same week they are hosting one of our training modules. On its own, or like as mentioned, this program is a fantastic way to create a standard, consistent approach to incident investigation in your workplace.

#incidentinvestigations #supervisoryskills #rootcauseanalysis

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