Workplace Investigations

We provide our expertise to effectively conduct any and all types of workplace investigations including, but not limited to, bullying & harassment, human rights, and violence in the workplace. Cases of alleged misconduct can command an inordinate amount of time and effort from local Management. In some cases, a Client may not have the expertise needed to effectively carry out a proper investigation. Or, the Respondent in a complaint may be a Manager and an unbiased third-party investigator may be required.

We ensure:

  • the scope of the investigation is clearly defined at the outset. E.g. we avoid making formal recommendations that can be cost prohibitive
  • all facts are gathered
  • all policies are followed
  • confidentiality is maintained (i.e. to the extent of the law)
  • emotions and negative reprisals are effectively controlled
  • documentation is clear and comprehensive
  • best practices of workplace investigation/investigative interviews are followed
  • representational rights are provided, and privacy law is followed
  • a determination of culpable behaviour or non-culpable explanation and use a fact-based analysis to determine severity of the former
  • a full report / executive summary provided

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Submit this form to CANSCOTT to initiate a discussion about how  Workplace Investigations can benefit your organization.
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