The Industrial Supervisor program (i.e. The Complete Supervisor program if you are not a heavy-industry client) is the program we recommend. The program is separated into 3 modules of 3 days/module. The program is designed to provide participants with all the information they need to be successful in the workplace this day and age. The first module lays the foundation, the 2nd module reinforces the 1st and build on it to provide the participant with all the knowledge they need to be successful as an employee relations practitioner. The final module is set-up to have participants demonstrate their competency in handling a variety of real-life / contemporary issues that they can expect to face as a supervisor. Most Manager’s see the importance of module 3, because the end goal is to have competent, successful supervisors who can function effectively on their own.
The complete list of programs can be found under the tab “Training Programs”. In all likelihood you will find what best suits your needs in this section of the website. However, if you still have questions or would like to discuss customizing a program to meet your needs then please fill out the ‘request for information’ page located as a separate tab on the website. A consultant will be in contact with you within 48-hours.
We provide our services in all provinces and territories in Canada. Also, we will travel to any jurisdiction in the United States.
We come to you. We are a unique Company in that we do not instruct public programs. Instead, we work directly with our Clients and travel to their communities to provide the training. This significantly cuts down on travel costs and we believe provides for a better end product for our clients.
We can, but we do NOT recommend it. Our experiences with instructing programs at our Clients workplaces has not been a positive one. We have several e.g. of times when participants have been called out of the training program to answer workplace questions etc. Just too many distractions! Instead, we recommend that clients hold the training off site, for e.g. in a hotel conference room or community hall etc. These days, many of our clients can secure free or very cheap off-site facilities that meet everyone’s needs.
This is done completely by the client themselves. CANSCOTT is not responsible for the training room, food etc. and the reason is we try to keep the training costs as low as possible for our clients. Our costs for these arrangements would be much higher and would not achieve our goal of maintaining a great price point.
YES. We have 2 consultants who specialize in negotiations and can provide any service you need including filling the role of lead negotiator etc.
YES. We are a full-service labour relations consulting service. Our consultants our highly-skilled people who can investigate any issues that you may have (i.e. workplace harassment, violence, bullying etc.). You can be confident in the end result of your investigation when we are involved in the process.
Yes, as mentioned above we are a full service labour relations consulting service. Our consultants are highly trained individuals who can handle even the most sensitive terminations for cause, not for cause etc.