September 28, 2021

New 1-day offering! Incident Investigation & Root Cause Analysis.

Of course, there are many providers who offer this type of training. Then why CANSCOTT? Our consultants come from industry and have both supervisory and managerial experience. We understand the frustration of receiving an RCA that states: “fire caused by sparks”, or “injury caused by complacency”. We know “what good looks like” and we will ensure participants understand the importance of:
*a proper, thorough investigation following established procedures
*using an incident investigation kit
*collecting hard data including the “how to”
*getting witness statements while avoiding potential collusion
*interview prep and interviews using the funnel technique
*reviewing data and documenting all contributing factors and establishing causal factors
*causation review and getting to root cause(s) using the 5 Why’s analysis and other tools
*report writing with proper sequence of events and electronic submission of documentation if required by Client
* recommending actions to prevent the reoccurrence

As usual you can expect our delivery style to include relevant case studies and real-life industry examples to reinforce the lecture and more importantly the learning.

We are CANSCOTT Management Services Ltd., the home of Industrial Management and Supervisory Development
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Mon - Fri 8:30am to 4:30 pm
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